Gus Talks
Tougher On Linux
At the Local Fish & Chip
Thanks for inviting me out to lunch for this interview Gus. Its
been some time since we last spoke about Linux making significant in roads
in the server market. Today, however, were also seeing Linux move
to the desktop. What are your thoughts about this phenomenon?
Thats pure baloney. Its as baloney a suggestion as telling
me I have buckteeth! <points to his teeth covered in tartar
Linux is losing the server war and the only people I know
converting to Linux on their desktops are the poor who cant afford to
buy software.
What about the recent news that state and local governments are taking
a serious look at Linux on the desktop as a major cost cutting measure?
What governments are we talking about? The Iraqi government?
Dont make me throw this fried cod at you. <makes an aggressive
motion with the fried fish in his hand> Most states I know have signed
away the next few years with Microsoft licensing terms and those that havent
are going to pay money to stay compatible with the rest of the world.
Do you think SUNs OpenOffice for Linux is making an impact by allowing
people to remain fully compatible with Microsoft Office, yet run on Linux?
<spits out his fried fish on to the table> What the... Are
you a pathological liar?
<silent pause ...>
Youre making this stuff up about Linux arent you? There is
no way that someone can create software thats going to remain compatible
with Microsoft for long since the code and the upgrades force changes that
make older versions incompatible. I dont see any way that this OpenOffice
stuff is making an impact.
Well, then do you see the movement to Linux on the desktop as possibly
a result of such Microsoft licensing and upgrade changes?
What I see is a funny guy with a big nose telling me that Linux is
useful on a PC! I dont believe it because I havent seen it.
Ive got my laptop in the case. May I show you Linux on the desktop?
You have it here on the laptop now?
Yes. May I show you how OpenOffice works?
Im sorry, sorry. Im startin to feel a little weird inside
my bowels. Ill be back in a minute or two, I need to... to relieve
<editors note: Gus did not return to the restaurant or reply
to emails from Mark>
For more articles on moving
to Linux please see:
to Linux
Linux on to Your Desktop
Talks Tough On Linux Part I.
series written for are purely fictional accounts
of Linux use and do not in any way convey true stories. Any names
and characters are purely hypothetical and
fictional, written for the benefit and entertainment of those
with a sense of humor. This story is fiction and is best read
with a reasonable smile.