Commands For Guru Wanna-bees
This article is for people who are past newbie stage and ready for action!  For many more Linux commands and help, please look at our Linux Help page

Also, if you need Basic Commands please
click here.

We published this list to benefit ourselves by having one place to go to for those commands we use most often, and to give you a list of more advanced commands we know you will need! So here it is, a list of commands you're going to need when running your Linux OS. Enjoy!

All of these commands should work from your command prompt (regardless which shell you're using). And of course, if they don't work or help you, we appologize way in advance!


Summary Use
du The du command prints a summary of the amount of information you have stored in your directories on the mounted disks.
syntax: du [options] path
ex: du -a /News

-s print the sum of bytes in your directories
-a print a line for each file in your directory
grep The grep command searches text files for a particular word or string of words. Very helpful when trying to find that needle in a haystack, like a particular line in a large log file.
syntax: grep textstring filename(s)
ex: grep century history.text.doc
!! Don’t waste time and energy retyping commands at the prompt. Instead, use the ! option. To automatically re-display the last command you typed at the prompt, type: !! and press enter. Press again to invoke the command. You can also automatically re-display a command you typed earlier by using the ! and the first few letters of the command.
Ex: At the Linux prompt you had typed the command clear, followed by the command pico, followed by the command ftp. In order to re-display the clear command you type: !cl and press enter. In order to re-display the last command you typed, simply type: !! . Try it out. You’ll find this a time saver when dealing with long commands. Especially commands like tar!

WOW, overwhelmed, or missing the basics? Perhaps you're in need of our Basic Linux Commands.