
We at reallylinux strongly believe that the best way to learn and use Linux is to link directly to a local community of Linux users.

When we began in 1999 there were very few communities of Linux User Groups or even Linux friends in the world. Today, with great joy we celebrate the fact that almost EVERY nation on earth now has at least one LUG or Linux computer user community.

For this reason, rather than try to supplant such extraordinarily useful groups, we prefer to recommend all of our readers to find and join such a community near you!

Our hope and wish is that everyone on earth will have a chance in their lifetime to use Linux and see the beneficial empowerment of Open Source.

To locate a Linux community near you, use any of the following or others on the web:

  • List of User Groups
  • Wikipedia explanation of LUGs
  • List of online communities from Yahoo
  • Getting help from someone one who is close to you either in terms of geography or context is a very important tool to help you learn and grow in your Linux endeavors.

    If you wish to contact our staff at reallylinux then please use the Reallylinux Staff contact page.